VBS 2023
Huzzah! Grab your armor and your trusty steed and get ready for a merry time as we travel back in time of castles and dragons! At VBS, we’ll fill your tummy with fine victuals as you learn how to put on the armor of God! Keepers of the Kingdom will be an adventure filled with excitement, so register for VBS today! We’re accepting ages 4 through 12 years old. Registration closes June 7th. For more information contact our office.

Teen All Nighter
Cost is $50 per person. Drop off and Pick up are at the New Life Baptist Church, 8pm on the 26th and 6am on the 27th. Teens will be traveling to Leon Valley Baptist Church and a second party location. For more information, contact the office.

Church Planting Conference
Pastor Will Cover will be speaking what it takes to plant a church and how to best prepare ourselves for the Lord’s work. The conference will take place during normal Sunday school (Adult & Teen Combined), AM & PM services.

Ladies Conference
Have you ever considered the enormous impact you have on today’s culture, climate, and generation? You have been given this opportunity, in time, to make a difference. You have been called and set apart for such a time as this.
Timothy reminds us to be an example of the believers, “in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” because what we say and do really does make a difference to those around us, who are watching.
For several ladies, God chose the family to be the first and foremost scope of influence but that is not the only area he has called for us to be an example.
The thought of “what example am I setting” may seem overwhelming, that’s why we are here to help. New Life Baptist Church is hosting its very first Ladies Conference with 9 sessions to help you grow in your walk with the Lord. Join us as we learn how to improve ourselves in order to be the Godly influence we were created to be.
The conference begins with a devotion focusing on our identity in Christ then, each hour, you get to select which interesting and exciting break-out session you attend! Lunch is included. We wrap up the day with some closing remarks. You don’t want to miss out on this enriching event. Click below to register.
Click here for the sample agenda
Click here for the break-out sessions list

The Hiding Place, The Musical
Join our Church in watching the Musical: The Hiding Place.
Thrust into a world of spies and espionage, Corrie ten Boom, together with her sister Betsie and her elderly father Casper, heroically hide Jews from the Nazi invadors in their little town in Holland. Betrayed, the family is deported to German concentration camps. Casper and Betsie both die in the camps, following their horrendous suffering, but in 1945 Corrie is released. For the next forty years she travels the world sharing her testimony of forgiveness and the hope found in Jesus Christ in the midst of suffering.
Admission: Free
For more information about the play visit http://www.thehidingplacemusical.com

Easter Services
Join us for Easter! We have breakfast starting at 9:30AM and then a special service starting with an Easter Cantata at 10:30AM. Prepare your hearts and your belly!

Soldiers of the Cross Super Rally
GET EXCITED!!! Our Soldiers of the cross SUPER RALLY is fast approaching!!! We have some awesome things planned!! We will be fed spiritually, physically and emotionally!! On top of all of that - we will be going to Green Acres Golf & Games!!
Cost is $25 per person and includes lunch and dinner at the church, and put put golf, go cart ride, water wars game and a drink at green acres.
Churches - please help us by getting a head count. It would be best to collect the money from your youth and just write one check from your church covering the people you are bringing.
If you have any questions please email kristin.parrish@tebc.org

Soldiers of the Cross
Soldiers of the Cross to be held at Community Baptist Church. Meet at the church by 6 PM

Ladies Retreat @Southland
Ladies come join us on a ladies retreat at Southland. Our Speaker will be Amy Herbster.

Soldiers of the Cross
Soldiers of the Cross youth rally is hosted by Rebecca Creek Baptist Church this month. Begins at 7 pm. Meet @ the church at 6 pm.

Easter Breakfast & Cantata Service
The men are serving breakfast at 9:00 AM. Service following at 10:30 AM. Join us as we hear from our Easter Cantata. No PM service.

Clash at Calvary
Come for an awesome time of exciting games, good food, and great fellowship! Evangelist Chase Williams with Excellerate Ministries will be speaking.
Southland Christian Camp will be facilitating the activities and games.
$20 registration fee includes t-shirt, meal, and admission into the tournament, where there will be prizes and much more! Check-in begins at 8:30 am.

Ladies Bible Study
Ladies! Come join us as we work through Jim Berg’s book, Changed into His Image. 7:00 pm every second and fourth Monday of the month. We have snacks!

Workday at the Church
Meet at the church at 10:00 am. The more people who come, the more we can get done!

Chili Cook Off
Bring your best chili dish along with your best western wear! It’s our annual Chili Cook Off event! Join us for a day of fun, with arm wrestling, pie eating contest, delicious chili and fellowship!

Spring Revival
Join us February 14th - 17th for our Spring Revival! Our special speaker is David Sommerdorf.
Spring Revival kickoff:
February 14th - 10:30am
with Chili cook off following for lunch!
February 15th-17th - 7:00pm